Photocontest "Fotomodella 2007"
official website

My model: Elaine

1st theme: Bianco e Nero - Black&White

"Comfortably Glam"

2nd theme: Serata di gala - Gala evening

"Party at the Embassy Club"

3rd theme: Primo piano - Close-up

"Daydreaming of you"

4th theme: Imita una foto famosa - Imitate a famous photo

Sophia Loren from
"Ieri, oggi, domani"
"Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" (1963)

5th theme: Moi, lolita

"You know, I'm an authentic scottish girl..."

6th theme: Nudo artistico - Artistic nude

"My vinyl muse"

7th theme: Natale - Christmas

"Merry Christmas my friends!"
